Social Security Disability Applications
For Initial Application AND Appeals
How It Works
- Based upon your age, work history, and medical condition, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits.
- Social Security uses both medical disability criteria and non-medical criteria to determine whether you qualify for Social Security disability.
- First, you must be able to prove that you are medically disabled.
- Second, you must have either earned enough work credits to be considered “insured” under the SSDI program. That is the non-medical criteria mentioned above.
What If I Have Applied Before?
- Many first-time applicants are denied benefits at the initial stage.
- Do not give up!
- The key is to file for an appeal because success rates on appeals are much higher than for those applying for benefits for the first time.
How Do I Apply?
- Fill out the form on this page.
- Your case will then be evaluated for free by an experienced Social Security Disability advocate or attorney.
- Once your details are verified, we will file for SSDI benefits on your behalf.
- After your application is submitted, we walk you through the entire SSDI process and also represent you with an attorney at your appeals hearing. This is the most important part of our work. Applicants that are not represented at their hearing have a much lower chance of getting benefits than those that are represented by an experienced advocate or attorney.
How Long Will This Take?
- In 2020 the average wait time for disability benefits is around 15 months.
- But do not despair.
- Hiring a disability advocate greatly increases your chances of being awarded benefits and can also speed up the process.
How Much Does It Cost?
- There are no upfront costs for help applying for SSDI.
- Once we succeed at getting your benefits approved, we receive a one-time fee that equals 25% of the past-due benefits you are awarded (sometimes called “back pay”), up to a maximum of $6,000. This is tightly controlled and mandated by the Federal Government.
- All of your future monthly payments are entirely yours.
How Do I Prove That I’m Disabled?
- Your condition, physical or mental, must be severe enough to have a significant effect on your ability to do basic work-related tasks.
- The condition must last at least one full year.
- The condition must be severe enough that it prevents you from working and earning a monthly amount equal to what is known as SGA, or Substantial Gainful Activity. In 2021, that amount is $1,310
- You must also have paid Social Security taxes for 5 out of the past 10 years.
What Happens When My Claim Is Approved?
- Once your application for Social Security disability benefits is approved, your first check will be paid for the sixth full month after the date your disability was found to begin.
You have landed on a Free disability benefits evaluation service, and it is available to anyone interested in applying for Social Security disability benefits (SSDI, also called SSD).
- Start The Application Below
- Every Box Is Required
- Get Help Fast!
One or more of your responses indicate that you may not qualify for benefits. The free evaluation service is for the following:
If you meet these requirements, click "Update Answers" to return to the form.
Our service is only for people who are disabled and expect to be out of work for at least 12 months. If you meet these requirements, click "Update Answer" to return to this question.
The free case evaluation service is for people who are NOT receiving Social Security benefits already. If you meet these requirements, click "Update Answer" to return to this question.
The free case evaluation service is only for people who do NOT have an attorney. If you meet these requirements, click "Update Answer" to return to this question.
The free case evaluation service is only for people that have worked a total of at least 5 years out of the last 10 years. If you meet these requirements, click "Update Answer" to return to this question.
This website provides a free disability case evaluation by an experienced disability advocate or attorney. This website is not affiliated in any way with the Social Security Administration. This website is advertising for and through
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